Let me start with the brands I have tried that did not have the best results. Mystic Tan (at home kit), Banana Boat.. or any other brands you would find in a grocery store. Gradual Tanners tend to build up and look terrible around your wrists, knees or any dry areas.

I will start with my favorite which I have used several bottles of over the past few years. Clarins Gelee. This product can be purchased at Sephora, Dillards or any other Clarins retailer. It usually sells for around $28. I find that using it once a week you can typically get 2.5 months out of a bottle. They also sell a set for the same price with a free facial tanner that is out of this world.
So why do I love this product so much?... well for starters it has a great smell which all you sunless tanner girls know is hard to find!! Secondly it goes on smooth and develops into a beautiful dark natural tan without chunking off or building up around your hands

Next is my second favorite and its ALL NATURAL... Lavera!!! This is the only all natural sunless tanner I know of that actually works and wont leave you orange. You can purchase this product at Target for around $20. NOTE: this is not one of those sunless tanners you can put on and be so dark you look like you have been laying on the beach of a week, but it does give you a nice natural tint.

By Model Co. This easy to use spray is great for a night out. It is only temporary so its more cosmetic. It will usually last through 2 showers. You can buy this at Sephora and the Cosmetic Market for $18.

Finally if you want an amazing.. just got back from the Bahamas tan you can go with Jan Tana! This is used by a lot of body builders (don't freak out.. they tan and tan and then apply this about 5 times lol so you wont be freakishly dark). This is also a cheaper option for only around $10 a bottle. You can purchase this online. You literally paint yourself with it but man it comes out looking dark.. no orange at all and for the price its worth a shot.
How to apply sunless tanner!!
*First you want to shower and exfoliate.
*After your shower be sure to dry off completely! You don't want any wet spots.
* Next apply a thin barrier of lotion to the tops of your feet, knees and any other dry spots paying close attention to your nail beds and palms.
* Then apply your tanner starting with your face and working your way down.
* I do NOT recommend wearing latex gloves because it seems to just smear the tanner around and you will have uneven spots.
*Lastly be sure to leave your clothes off for a good 15 min- an hour to avoid it rubbing off.
I know everyone these days are crazy for the mystic tan. My warning to you is read the poster in the booth. It clearly says the FDA has only approved this product when used with nose plugs! Most salons do not even have them available for purchase so if you must mystic be sure to bring your own nose plugs to avoid inhaling the product.