I have had migraines since the age of 12 and couldn't count the number of different medications I have tried to get rid of them. When I was 14 and having them on a weekly basis my Mother discovered something that goes down in my book as the greatest natural cure. Its very simple, cheap and best of all natural.... A simple LIME! I know I know its sounds absolutely crazy. A lime can cure something medication cant.. what? Well I suggest trying this one for yourself. Simply take a lime after it has been in the refrigerator for a few hours and cut it in half. Then go into a dark cool room and start rubbing the lime inside side down on your forehead. You will feel a cool stinging feeling.. this is normal and to be expected. Then after about 15 minutes spent with this lime on your forehead you will start to feel the headache go away. I'm not saying it will instantly take it away but you will start feeling relief within a few minutes. This simple little trick has saved me hundreds if not thousands on prescription drugs. I will also add that a few weeks of being off my meds the migraines started coming less and less frequently. If you are on prescription meds for migraines I would not recommend going off cold turkey. First try the "lime trick" as soon as you feel one coming on to see what you think.
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