Sunday, July 4, 2010
Coastal Classic Creation Makeup Reviews
Deodorant powder in extra strength lemongrass- This is AMAZING!! I seriously dab a little on in the morning and I am fresh for the whole day! I can even work out and jog and still no signs of odor! My husband even used this while we were on vacation and loved it. Its only $5 and worth the shipping cost if ordered alone.
Mineral Mascara- This is one of the specialties of the company and I love it! Its buildable and totally natural. It isn't water proof but looks amazing! I have not had any problems with the fact its not water proof but I wouldn't recommend going swimming wearing this.
Mineral powder to cream eyeliner- I also ordered the bamboo application brush. This product is fantastic and the sample will last several months. You simply put a few grains of it in the lid and wet the brush. It goes on very smooth and lasts all day but is very easy to remove at the end of the day.
Mineral Foundation- I ordered the Golden Wheat for olive light to medium skin and it was far to dark.. It was also grainy and hard to blend. I will not be using the product! I have found some amazing natural foundation but you will have to wait a few days for my final review.
Lemongrass shampoo for blondes- one word.. horrible. This bar left my hair feeling sticky and dry. It took two shampoos after the fact to get most of the gunk out.
The website is Once again I can not say enough about the deodorant from this company and I will continue ordering it!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The best natural makeup!
On this site you can type in almost any beauty product and it will tell you whats in it and how toxic it is for your body. Needless to say I have spent several hours on this site researching my future buys. I have come to the conclusion that Coastal Classic Creations is the best non toxic, Eco and animal friendly cosmetic company. They also have great reviews. If you wear makeup on a daily basis I would highly recommend switching over or at least researching what your putting on your skin. Everything we put into or on our body effects its function. Love yourself and take care of yourself. That's what natural beauty is all about.
A follow up on what I have been using.
The African Black Soap Body Wash has pretty much no effect on body acne but I will say it has a great smell, has natural ingredients and gives you the most for your money by lasting several months.
Egyptian Magic If you are going to invest in just one thing I recommend I would suggest going with this product!!! My skin hasn't looked this good since I was a toddler and I dare say my skin is almost as flawless as my 3 year old sons. It has also saved me because I no longer wear foundation.
Aztec Secrets Love Love Love this product. I use it every other day because I have oily skin and ahhh I cant say enough. Its only $8 and I have been using it for several months and have only gone through two jars. I call it my instant face lift and its works for so many things. I have used it on bug bites and pimples and it always does the trick.
I am about to switch over to all natural makeup so trust that there will be plenty of reviews to come.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Like to try new things?

I just signed up for this program and thought I would share it with my readers. Its called the test tube. The magazine New Beauty has now started a program for us skincare junkies. You pay $29 + shipping 4 times a year and they send you a box full of deluxe samples of the best rated skincare products. Its very simple you just go to and sign up. You wont be charged until the box ships and you can cancel at anytime. I look forward to reviewing some of the products I will be trying.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Beauty is more than skin deep.

Everyone puts focus on creams and treatments to help improve their skins appearance and while they do help. I am here to tell you to get beautiful plump radiant skin it takes more than any of these things combined can do. For an all over glow and healthy skin you need to focus on your physical, mental and nutritional health. I know this is a major downer for most of the general population. I'm not telling you to go throw out all of your processed foods although if you knew what they were doing to you you probably would be running to the dump. I am however going to give my recommendations on a few vitamins and supplements as well as different fruits and veggies that can help get you on the right track to beautiful skin.
Let me start with what I think is most important. Mental health and your skin. I'm sure you all have noticed when you get stressed you tend to break out. I think this quote from bnet helps explain. "When the brain perceives stress, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland, which then triggers the adrenal glands to produce androgens and cortisol (stress hormones). These help thicken the hair follicle's lining, causing blackheads/whiteheads. If bacteria get trapped, a large pimple results." Also when you take short shallow breaths it puts stress on your entire body. Your cells aren't able to receive an adequate amount of oxygen. I would suggest everyone take 30-60 minutes a day to just meditate. If you aren't into meditation just sit in a quiet room and focus on your breathing patterns. If you are at a stressful point in your life just stop and evaluate your life. Make a list of things that make you happy.

Now on to supplements. Ill start with sleep. Everyone should at least be getting 8 hours of sleep! Every hour less than that your body starts to deteriorate. My best advice if you are having trouble sleeping pop a 3-5mg pill of Melatonin. One of these bad babies will have you sleeping like a baby in no time. I usually take one a week and it will last for days. My personal warnings in addition to the ones on the bottle. Take it right before you brush your teeth so it will have a few minutes to kick in. Do NOT take this on a day you have any alcohol in your system and be sure you have 10 hours to devote to sleep. I know 10 seems a little excessive but trust me anything less you will be draggy the whole day. I purchased my bottle from Target for $7 BOGO.

My next essential for sleep is a good sleep mask. This will help you block out any and all light and keep out distractions that might interrupt your sleep patterns. My favorite site for these is

"CELLFOOD is the world’s #1 selling oxygen + nutrient supplement. For more than 40 years, NuScience Corporation has manufactured Everett Storey’s original CELLFOOD formula containing 78 minerals, 34 enzymes, and 17 amino acids. CELLFOOD utilizes a proprietary water-splitting technology that provides a powerful stream of bio-available oxygen plus 129 nutrients directly to the cells.
Cellfood – Free radical scavenger (powerful antioxidant)
Free radicals are atoms (or groups of atoms) that are missing an electron. These highly reactive molecules become even more dangerous in the human body when they react with and damage other important cellular components like DNA. Antioxidants are directly responsible for the prevention of cellular damage by neutralizing and eliminating free radicals. In a recent study, CELLFOOD was shown to decrease excess free radical activity by up to 27%.
Cellfood – Helps detoxify the body and balance pH
CELLFOOD’s colloidal and ionic formula has a negative charge (as measure by Zeta potential testing). This negatively charged solution (like blood and lymph) allows for the rapid absorption and assimilation of nutrients. This process enables the body to more efficiently eliminate toxins and balance pH.
Cellfood – Athletic performance enhancement
In addition to the numerous general health benefits, CELLFOOD has now become the supplement of choice for many professional athletes. In a study conducted at the University of Pretoria, CELLFOOD was shown to increase oxygen uptake (VO2 Max), increase ferretin (iron storage), and decrease lactic acid accumulation (muscular fatigue).
Cellfood – Ingredients
CELLFOOD is made from the finest all-natural, plant-based organic substances. CELLFOOD contains no alcohol, glucose, yeast, or gluten. CELLFOOD does not contain any ingredients that are on the “list of banned substances” for professional and amateur athletic competitions and associations. CELLFOOD is non-addictive, non-invasive, and completely non-toxic."
It sells online and in Whole Body for anywhere between $26-$29 a bottle and lasts a few months.Also if you are over the age of 40 I would suggest looking into DNA support which is a similar product made by the same company that supports DNA preservation.
Monday, June 7, 2010
How to cure a migraine

I have had migraines since the age of 12 and couldn't count the number of different medications I have tried to get rid of them. When I was 14 and having them on a weekly basis my Mother discovered something that goes down in my book as the greatest natural cure. Its very simple, cheap and best of all natural.... A simple LIME! I know I know its sounds absolutely crazy. A lime can cure something medication cant.. what? Well I suggest trying this one for yourself. Simply take a lime after it has been in the refrigerator for a few hours and cut it in half. Then go into a dark cool room and start rubbing the lime inside side down on your forehead. You will feel a cool stinging feeling.. this is normal and to be expected. Then after about 15 minutes spent with this lime on your forehead you will start to feel the headache go away. I'm not saying it will instantly take it away but you will start feeling relief within a few minutes. This simple little trick has saved me hundreds if not thousands on prescription drugs. I will also add that a few weeks of being off my meds the migraines started coming less and less frequently. If you are on prescription meds for migraines I would not recommend going off cold turkey. First try the "lime trick" as soon as you feel one coming on to see what you think.
Friday, May 28, 2010
African Black Soap

I have just recently switched over to using African Black Soap Body Wash. It contains natural ingredients that have been used for centuries to prevent and treat acne as well as other skin conditions. I purchased this for $14 from Whole Body but I did find it on Amazon for $10. Its great for breakouts on the body and has a great scent that both men and women can appreciate. I have only been using it for a few days so I cannot give my full review but I will say I love how it makes my skin look and feel. Its also cheaper than the goats milk bar soap I had previously been using.
Here is a little information quoted from the web site.
"The Nubian Heritage African Black Soap line combines the ancient medicinal properties of black soap with the hydrating properties of Shea Butter to balance problem skin. Our traditional African Black Soap recipe Contains palm ash, plantain peel extract, tamarind extract and papaya enzymes. This powerful combination has traditionally been used to treat eczema, acne, oily skin, psoriasis, and other skin ailments. In the apothecary tradition, Nubian Heritage updates African Black Soap with active botanical extracts and salicylic acid to more effectively treat acne, balance skin tone and improve skin texture. Daily use of the line will result in cleaner, clearer, healthier skin.
Key Ingredients: Shea Butter, Palm Ash, Plantain Peel Extract, Papaya Enzymes, Salicylic Acid
Benefits: effective skin care targets trouble skin without over drying
Usage: oily, combination, acne
Natural Aroma: spicy, woody, unisex"
Also an update on the Egyptian Magic.. I have been using this for over a month now and when I think my skin cant get any better it does! All of my freckles, acne and acne scars have faded!!! I can not say enough about this product. I will warn you if you have an oily T zone like I do you might want to back off on applying it from your nose to your forehead.
The Shea Butter with Argan Oil has also turned into one of my favorites. I just purchased my second jar of the product today! My skin hasnt been this smooth since I was a child and I love the smell.
Monday, May 17, 2010
All about Hair. Q&A
"Where do you get your hair colored?" Betsy Briggs Cathcart, the owner of Studio BBC on Music Row.
"How do you get your hair to curl like that?" I use my Chi instead of a curling iron. I cant get my hair to hold curl from a regular curling iron but when I use my Chi it lasts at least a day if not a couple. Here is the youtube video I used to learn how.
"What shampoo do you use?" Rene Furterer but I also recommend Phyto and Bumble and Bumble. Why spend hundreds of dollars on your hair only to mess it up with $3 shampoo. If you must use the cheaper brands I would go with John Frieda. Unfortunately I don't have any natural recommendations on this because I seem to be allergic to the natural brands I have tried.
"How often should I wash my hair?" I try to make it Three days.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Lemons.. not just for lemonade

Just take a fresh (or squeeze bottle) lemon and squeeze a little juice on a cotton pad. Top with a pinch of sugar and scrub your entire face. The lemon will help remove the dead layer of skin and kill any bacteria that may be on your skin and the sugar will help exfoliate. Just rinse! I have also been using lemon juice on pimples for years.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Eye Creams and Balms
My first choice and the one I use everyday. Is from Whole Body and its called Skin Organics Premium Eye and Lip Balm. I cant seem to find a picture of this product but it looks like a big tube of lip balm. Its only $11 and doubles as a lip balm. It is infused with Coffee Berry and Hemp oil and has all natural ingredients. It feels great going on and I feel it really helps with my dark circles.

Next is a great product for Dark Circles and its easy to find. Garnier Nutritioniste Eye Roller. This can be find just about anywhere. I usually get mine from CVS because they generally have them on sale. Its a quick fix for a night out. You simply roll it on and you can see the difference within a few minutes
When looking for a good eye cream. Look for products containing coffee and caffeine.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Anti- Aging Butter
I spend so much time and money on my face that my body gets left out most of the time. I noticed a few days ago my legs were looking more like scales thank skin so I decided it was time to find a good body lotion. I asked the sales person at Whole Body what she recommend and she took me straight to this product. For a large jar its $19 but for a smaller size its only $10. She let me try it in the store and I knew it would save me to buy the bigger jar.
The only two ingredients in this product are: 100% Unrefined Shea Butter from West Africa and Organic Argan Oil.
It has a very silky feel and unlike Unrefined Shea Butter alone this product has a very pleasant scent! To apply you simply scoop a small about onto your palm and then rub it around until it melts, then you can apply it on your skin.
Here is a little helpful information I found on the ingredients.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sunless Tanners that really work without making you look like a cheeto
Let me start with the brands I have tried that did not have the best results. Mystic Tan (at home kit), Banana Boat.. or any other brands you would find in a grocery store. Gradual Tanners tend to build up and look terrible around your wrists, knees or any dry areas.

I will start with my favorite which I have used several bottles of over the past few years. Clarins Gelee. This product can be purchased at Sephora, Dillards or any other Clarins retailer. It usually sells for around $28. I find that using it once a week you can typically get 2.5 months out of a bottle. They also sell a set for the same price with a free facial tanner that is out of this world.
So why do I love this product so much?... well for starters it has a great smell which all you sunless tanner girls know is hard to find!! Secondly it goes on smooth and develops into a beautiful dark natural tan without chunking off or building up around your hands

Next is my second favorite and its ALL NATURAL... Lavera!!! This is the only all natural sunless tanner I know of that actually works and wont leave you orange. You can purchase this product at Target for around $20. NOTE: this is not one of those sunless tanners you can put on and be so dark you look like you have been laying on the beach of a week, but it does give you a nice natural tint.

By Model Co. This easy to use spray is great for a night out. It is only temporary so its more cosmetic. It will usually last through 2 showers. You can buy this at Sephora and the Cosmetic Market for $18.

Finally if you want an amazing.. just got back from the Bahamas tan you can go with Jan Tana! This is used by a lot of body builders (don't freak out.. they tan and tan and then apply this about 5 times lol so you wont be freakishly dark). This is also a cheaper option for only around $10 a bottle. You can purchase this online. You literally paint yourself with it but man it comes out looking dark.. no orange at all and for the price its worth a shot.
How to apply sunless tanner!!
*First you want to shower and exfoliate.
*After your shower be sure to dry off completely! You don't want any wet spots.
* Next apply a thin barrier of lotion to the tops of your feet, knees and any other dry spots paying close attention to your nail beds and palms.
* Then apply your tanner starting with your face and working your way down.
* I do NOT recommend wearing latex gloves because it seems to just smear the tanner around and you will have uneven spots.
*Lastly be sure to leave your clothes off for a good 15 min- an hour to avoid it rubbing off.
I know everyone these days are crazy for the mystic tan. My warning to you is read the poster in the booth. It clearly says the FDA has only approved this product when used with nose plugs! Most salons do not even have them available for purchase so if you must mystic be sure to bring your own nose plugs to avoid inhaling the product.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Blush that will make you glow!

Everyone wants that sun kissed summer glow. EVERYONE. I have managed to find a wonderful blush great for all skin types and it leaves you with a glow that will have everyone wondering whats different.
Benefit's Sugarbomb.
It can be purchased from Sephora or directly from the Benefit website. It will set you back $28 but I have yet to find a better blush. To get a sun kissed glow simply apply your bronzer and then top it off with this. You will need to use a tapered blush brush and apply directly onto the cheek bone under the eye. For the liquid foundation users out there I would also highly recommend Hollywood Glow by the same company.

For a super shimmer I would go with LORAC Baked Matte Satin. Which is $23.
D.O for your B.O

Here is what I use...
Nature's Gate Deodorant in the Spring Fresh Scent. This one is my favorite. You can buy it in just about any store in the natural section or at whole foods. It will run you about $5 but seems to last A LOT longer than regular deodorant. I have had mine for close to a year and still have some left. It contains Witch Hazel and Oak- Derived Odor Blocker which acts as a type of antiperspirant.

That being said I found it works best in conjunction with this....
J/A/S/O/N Deodorant. This is no where near as good as the one above but instead of throwing out this product I decided to use them both together and ta-da... it works like magic. I only have to apply them both once a day or after every shower.
The quest to beauty
Alright guys! I am here to be your go-to for advice on natural (and some not so natural) beauty products. I am known by most of my friends by being the product queen and if you take a look in my bathroom and closet (makeup graveyard ) you would agree. I have tried just about every product in Sephora, MAC and Whole Body and I am here to tell you whats worth your money and what really works!!
Im starting with my favorite products of the week.

I started using this product last Saturday and I have seen dramatic results in under a week. I really love that this product has only 6 ingredients that are completely natural. They include: Olive Oil, Beeswax, Honey, Pollen, Royal Jelly (which is a bee secretion that was been shown to have many holistic benefits) and Propolis Extract.
I recommend applying this before bed with your hair pulled back. You simply rub it in the palm of your hand until it turns into an oil and then apply to your entire face, neck and any other troubled spots on your body. This products feels and looks very oily but is amazing for any skin type. I had an issue with a few breakouts around my hair line and scars from previous breakouts and in under a week they are all completely gone! Also any freckles and brown discoloration from the sun have all faded.
I purchased this product from Whole Body for $32 and its worth every penny! Egyptian magic is a Celeb must have and I highly recommend!

To apply you simply mix equal parts apple cider vinegar (or water, I did both) with the clay. Use only non metal bowls and utensil to stir with! You will stir until you get a thick smooth clay, then apply 1/4 inch thick mask to your face and or body (I also use it on my feet!). You can leave this on anywhere between 5- 20 minutes depending on how sensitive your skin is. After about 3 you will really feel your face pulsate!!! It feels like you are getting a face lift and it can be a bit painful but it leaves your skin soft and smooth... It also helps with breakouts and oily spots but can be used for dry skin as well. Both this and the product above were said to be used by Cleopatra herself!

I purchased this product from Whole Body but you can also find it at Target.. its only around $3 which is much less than what I had been purchasing from Sephora. It comes in several great flavors and is very easy to apply and not as messy as those with an applicator.