I have gotten so many questions about my raw diet. Mostly I get asked "Do you eat?", "Are you hungry" and "How do you attend social gatherings". Well in today's post I am going to answer these and a more.
Do you eat? and Are you hungry?
I eat all day long! I eat anything and everything I want raw. A day of my diet looks something like this.
Breakfast- Green smoothie (kale, broccoli, bee pollen, garlic clove, apples, lemon and celery)
Early morning snack- Raw Chocolate and Raspberries
Late morning- A nut based snack
Lunch- Shiitake mushrooms sauteed in coconut oil with a whole minced garlic clove, raw peppers and squash cut to resemble pasta sprinkled with turmeric powder.
Afternoon snack- Herbal Tea and berries with honey and sunflower seeds drizzled over them
Dinner- I usually have a cooked sweet potato, salad with mushrooms and maybe a sushi roll.
Late night snack- Green juice again but this time with beet.
If you notice some of the items in my diet are cooked. To be considered raw you must consume at least 75% raw foods.
How do you attend social gatherings?
Growing up in a strong southern family this one can be tricky and very offensive. As far as family and small gatherings go I was always taught it's polite to bring a dish so why not bring an amazing raw one? Yes, you may be the only one digging in but at least you are guaranteed one item. Also there are usually salads and cooked veggies. No one has to have an empty plate.
When going out to dinner with friends I always recommend sushi or somewhere I know I can get a good salad. Its best to eat before as well so you aren't starving and tempted with the table bread;). Yes its a different lifestyle and yes you will have some people confused and opposed to the idea but you will feel so amazing that it becomes easy to live this way.
Well after felling bogged down and somewhat depressed for years I felt I had tried just about everything else. I really feel my issue was a sugar addiction, regardless my body and mind were crying out for help. If you know me personally you know just how obsessed I am with natural and homeopathic remedies. While my son is in school I mostly study. I read any and all books and articles on health I can get my hands on and I practice it everyday and try my best to relay the information with my friends and family. It truly is something I am passionate about.
So back to raw... I had been living a very healthy life for the past 7 years. I ate what I thought to be healthy but I still didn't feel as well as I would have liked. I had read many rave reviews and books on the raw diet but I just wasn't convinced it was for me. I did however start substituting my lunch with a packed green smoothie everyday and eventually I looked forward to it every single day. Realizing how badly my body craved vegetables I started substituting other meals as well and gradually I became raw.
So there you have it. A few questions answered. Please feel free to email me if you are interested. I would be more than happy to share recipes and support groups. My email is naturalbeautyguru@yahoo.com
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