So here I am almost a month into my new way of life. My skin has never looked better I have never felt so amazing but this hasnt come without a little work, dedication and total change of mindset. I made the decision to go RAW and I was determined to stick it out. I have read about the raw diet for sometime but it was a gradual process for me to make the decision to go for it. I had been living a healthy lifestyle by all accounts. I ate well, worked out, practiced yoga and meditation but still something in me seemed off. I felt slightly depressed, anxious and bogged down.
My first week in went fairly easily. My sweet husband purchased a Blendtec blender (which I highly recommend, SO easy to clean!) for an early birthday present so I got to work. The first few days went by with ease but then I started feeling it! My lymph nodes all started to swell, my face broke out terribly, I felt sick and depressed to such a degree I thought for sure something was terribly wrong. I shook from cravings and I was very hard to be around (thanks family and friends for sticking it out with me lol). I joined a support group and learned what I was going through was normal. My body was going through the most intense detox to date. This lasted almost 2 weeks and then one morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and my face had healed. I started to feel more in control of my emotions than I ever had before and slowly my lymph nodes went down (some are still slightly swollen).
I became terribly aware of the fact the way I/we looked at food as a society and even a healthier one at that was horribly wrong. As children we were rewarded with cake and cookies which became a staple for holidays and celebrations. We were told to clean our plate which most of the time consisted of microwaved take out and taught through generations to eat not for health but for pleasure which correct me if I am wrong is considered gluttony. Should my generation dare to change the downward spiral that is "healthy eating"? Should we choose to look at ingredients instead of calories? Or choose a body that is healthy for us vs a body dehydrated and depleted just to change our appearance to please society? All questions I asked myself and would like you to ask. I DARE you to at the least look at the ingredients in what you're eating vs the calories. You will see and question why there are 28 ingredients in a simple cracker.. most of which you can not pronounce. I also DARE you to look up those ingredients and see just how they benefit your body. A raw diet might not be for you but just try to substitute a sweet craving with fruit or raw honey and a salty craving with veggies and hummus. I feel like our diet has as much to do with our skin as what we put on it. On that note along with my skincare reviews I will be posting raw recipes.
Genesis 1:29 And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food."
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